Together we can turn the tide

We are a growing group of Scarborough parents concerned about the Anxious Generation & phone-based childhood

Inspired by Jonathan Haidt’s The Anxious Generation, our mission is to motivate and empower teens, parents and educators in our Scarborough community to act collectively to free children and adolescents from a childhood spent largely alone on screens, and instead promote independence, free play, and responsibility in the real world.

Collective action gives parents a Technology off ramp they don’t have as an individual.

In The Anxious Generation, Jonathan Haidt lays out four reforms or new norms that would provide a foundation for a healthier kind of childhood in the digital age. It is often hard for one person, one family, or one school to swim against the tide of ever-increasing screen time, but if we act together, we can turn the tide.

  • No smartphones before high school

  • No social media before 16

  • No phones in schools

  • More free, independent play

It’s not too late to change course.

Together, we can reclaim childhood in the real world.

We all have a role to play in rolling back phone-based childhood and helping our children regain more independence in the real world.

Gen Z spends less than half as much time with friends as did the Millenials before them.

We are building our community. Join Scarborough parents in ending the phone-based childhood.

Join our email list to stay up to date about upcoming events and important updates.